Captcha Integration

Captcha validation is a widely used method in many applications to protect against remote digital entries, ensuring that only a human with the correct password can access an account. In Easystart, you can integrate either Google Captcha or hCaptcha for this purpose.

To activate it, follow these steps:

  1. In the Security section of the Global Configuration, enable Captcha (this is disabled by default).

  1. Then, in the Captcha section of the Global Configuration, enter the corresponding values.


Pay special attention to the Configuration (Object) field. There, you must insert a JSON with at least the sitekey and size data.

Google Captcha Credentials

For now, only you can to integrate reCaptcha v2. To register your platform and request the credentials in Google Captcha, check out the following documentation:

hCaptcha Credentials

To register your platform and request the credentials in hCaptcha, check out the following documentation: