

Provides the frontend with basic system configuration information, user preference language and notifications, under the userLanguage, globalNotifications, globalSettings props.

 class CorePropsMiddleware:
    def __init__(self, get_response):
        self.get_response = get_response
        # One-time configuration and initialization.

    def __call__(self, request):

        if request.user.is_authenticated:
                user_profile = models.UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user)
            except models.UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
                language = "en-us"
                language = user_profile.language
            share(request, "userLanguage", language)

                notifications_obj = models.Notifications.objects.filter(
                    active=True, language=language
            except models.Notifications.DoesNotExist:
                share(request, "globalNotifications", None)
                notification_schema = serialiazers.NotificationSchema(many=True)
                notifications = notification_schema.dump(notifications_obj)
                share(request, "globalNotifications", notifications)

            share(request, "userLanguage", None)
            share(request, "globalNotifications", None)

        global_settings = models.GlobalSettings.objects.first()
        if global_settings:
            active_audit = global_settings.active_audit
            if not utils.is_audit_installed():
                active_audit = False

            settings = {
                "appName": global_settings.name_app
                if not global_settings.name_app == ""
                else "Bitmotto OTC",
                "appLogo": global_settings.get_logo(),
                "timeExpiredSession": global_settings.session_expire_time,
                "activeAudit": active_audit,
                "activeIPAuth": global_settings.active_ip_authorization,
                "activeEmailProvider": global_settings.active_email_provider,
                "activeRegistration": global_settings.active_registration,
                "activeCaptcha": global_settings.active_captcha,
                "activeSocialApp": bool(SocialApplication.objects.all()),
            settings = {
                "appName": "Bitmotto OTC",
                "appLogo": "/static/img/logo.png",
                "timeExpiredSession": app_settings.SESSION_EXPIRE_TIME,
                "activeAudit": False,
                "activeIPAuth": False,
                "activeEmailProvider": False,
                "activeRegistration": True,
                "activeCaptcha": False,
                "activeSocialApp": bool(SocialApplication.objects.all()),
        share(request, "globalSettings", settings)

        response = self.get_response(request)
        return response


Middleware that validates the idle time of a user. If the time exceeds that established in the settings variable SESSION_EXPIRE_TIME or in the session_expire_time field of the GlobalSettings model, if it exists, the user is logged off. If it does not exceed it, the count is restarted again.

  class SessionIdleTimeout(MiddlewareMixin):
    """Middleware class to timeout a session after a specified time period."""

    def process_request(self, request):
        # Timeout is done only for authenticated logged in users.
        if request.user.is_authenticated:

            current = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
            idle_timeout = int(app_settings.SESSION_EXPIRE_TIME)

            global_settings = models.GlobalSettings.objects.first()
            if global_settings:
                idle_timeout = global_settings.session_expire_time

            # Timeout if idle time period is exceeded.
            if "last_activity" in request.session:
                last_activity = datetime.strptime(
                    request.session["last_activity"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
                now = datetime.strptime(current, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")

                if (now - last_activity).seconds > idle_timeout * 60:
                        error="Your session has been closed due to inactivity",
                            "error": "Your session has been closed due to inactivity"
                    share(request, "message_other_view", True)
                    return redirect("accounts:login")

                if request.accepts("text/html"):
                    request.session["last_activity"] = current
                request.session["last_activity"] = current

        return None


This middleware checks if the pair device and ip is among the list of the user’s WhiteListIpAuthorization model. If not, the user is redirected to the ip_authorization view of the core app, for the user to complete the authorization of this device.

  class IpAuthorization(MiddlewareMixin):
    """Middleware class for authorizate a new device and ip."""

    def process_request(self, request):
        # Timeout is done only for authenticated logged in users.
        if not request.user.is_authenticated:
            return None

        url = request.path.split("/")
        if url[1] and (
            "ip" in url[1]
            or "admin" in url[1]
            or "logout" in url[1]
            or "confirm-email" in url[1]
            return None

        global_settings = models.GlobalSettings.objects.first()
        active_ip_auth = False
        if global_settings:
            active_ip_auth = global_settings.active_ip_authorization

        if not active_ip_auth:
            tfa_verified = True
            user_otp = tfa_models.Otp.objects.filter(user=request.user)
            if user_otp:
                tfa_verified = request.session.get("tfa_user_verified", False)

            if tfa_verified and "notify_ip" not in request.session:

            return None

        if not models.WhiteListIpAuthorization.verify_user_ip(
            request.user, get_ip(request), get_device(request)
            if "device_ip" in request.session:
            return redirect("core:ip_authorization")
            request.session["device_ip"] = f"{get_ip(request)}-{get_device(request)}"

        return None