Schema that receives a queryset from the LogEntry model from auditlog3 and prepares it in object to the frontend.
class LogsSchema(Schema):
action = fields.Function(
lambda o: o.get_action_display(),
changes = fields.Function(
lambda o: get_change(o),
actor = fields.Method("get_actor")
avatar_actor = fields.Method("get_avatar_actor")
description = fields.Function(
lambda o: str(o),
timestamp = fields.Method("get_created")
def get_actor(self, obj):
except Exception:
return "system"
def get_avatar_actor(self, obj):
return models.UserProfile.objects.get(
except Exception:
return "/static/img/photo_default.png"
def get_created(self, obj):
date = change_utc_date(obj.timestamp)
return date.strftime("%d-%m-%Y @ %H:%M:%S")
def get_change(obj):
changes = {}
if obj.changes:
dict_changes = json.loads(obj.changes)
for key, value in dict_changes.items():
changes[key] = value
return changes
All the fields are modified from methods and functions, whose data source is the information coming from the model.
The action field indicates what type of action was performed on the database. -changes is an object resulting from the get_change function which obtains the string of the field changes of the model (It is in test) and formats it in json, returning an object.
The actor field to get the user who generated the change. If there is no user (because it was an anonymous user, that is, not authenticated), “system” is returned.
avatar_actor is a method field to get the avatar of the user (actor) who made the change; if one is not registered, a default avatar is returned.
The description field to display a descriptive text of the action.
timestamp is a method type field to obtain the date of creation under a predetermined format.
Schema that receives a queryset from the ModelListLog model and prepares it in object to the frontend.
class ModelsLogsSchema(Schema):
id = fields.Integer()
model = fields.Str()
model_name = fields.Str(data_key="modelName")
is_active = fields.Boolean(data_key="isActive")
The id, model, model_name and is_active fields are values coming from the ModelListLog model.
Schema that receives a queryset from the UrlListLog model and prepares it in object to the frontend.
class UrlsLogsSchema(Schema):
id = fields.Integer()
path = fields.Str()
is_active = fields.Boolean(data_key="isActive")
The id, path, and is_active fields are values from the UrlListLog model.
Validates the fields for the strategy change in the change_strategy view.
class AuditStrategySchema(Schema):
strategy = fields.Str(required=True)
The strategy field is required.
Schema que recibe un queryset del modelo AuditUrlLog y lo prepara en objecto al frontend.
class LogsUrlsSchema(Schema):
actor = fields.Method("get_actor")
avatar_actor = fields.Method("get_avatar_actor")
url = fields.Str()
method = fields.Str()
params = fields.Str()
ip = fields.Str()
user_agent = fields.Str(data_key="userAgent")
created = fields.Method("get_created")
def get_actor(self, obj):
except Exception:
return "system"
def get_avatar_actor(self, obj):
return models.UserProfile.objects.get(
except Exception:
return "/static/img/photo_default.png"
def get_created(self, obj):
date = change_utc_date(obj.created)
return date.strftime("%d-%m-%Y @ %H:%M:%S")
The url, method, params, ip, user_agent fields come from the AuditUrlLog model. The rest of the fields are methods.
The actor field to get the user who will finish the change. If there is no user (because it was an anonymous user, that is, not authenticated), “system” is returned.
avatar_actor is a method field to obtain the avatar of the user (actor) who made the change; if one is not registered, a default avatar is returned.
created is a method type field to obtain the date of creation under a predetermined format.
Schema that receives a queryset from the AuditEventLog model and prepares it in object to the frontend.
class EventsSchema(Schema):
actor = fields.Method("get_actor")
avatar_actor = fields.Method("get_avatar_actor")
activity_text = fields.Str()
params = fields.Str()
created = fields.Method("get_created")
def get_actor(self, obj):
except Exception:
return "system"
def get_avatar_actor(self, obj):
return models.UserProfile.objects.get(
except Exception:
return "/static/img/photo_default.png"
def get_created(self, obj):
date = change_utc_date(obj.created)
return date.strftime("%d-%m-%Y @ %H:%M:%S")
The activity_text, params fields come from the AuditEventLog model. The rest of the fields are methods.
The actor field to get the user who generated the change. If there is no user (because it was an anonymous user, that is, not authenticated), “system” is returned.
avatar_actor is a method field to obtain the avatar of the user (actor) who made the change; if one is not registered, a default avatar is returned.
created is a method type field to obtain the date of creation under a default format.